How and why to achieve leadership and team alignment during times of change

I recently wrote about the importance of leadership alignment and tips to achieve it. As a change management and transformation specialist, I’ve found there are some nuances to achieving leadership and team alignment during times of change. Consider this a part two!

Leadership and team alignment play a critical role in the success of organizational change. When leaders and teams are aligned, they can work together to create a shared vision and goals, communicate effectively, make better decisions, and reduce resistance to change. All of which increase adoption.

Here are some reasons why leadership and team alignment are essential for the success of organizational change, as well as some tips on how to achieve alignment:

Shared vision and goals: Leadership and team alignment are crucial for creating a shared vision and goals for organizational change. This alignment helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same objectives, which can make the change process smoother and more effective and increase adoption.

  • Tip: Ensure that all leaders and team members understand the rationale behind the change and how it aligns with the organization’s overall vision and goals.

Consistent communication: Effective communication is essential for the success of organizational change. When leaders and teams are aligned, they can communicate more effectively and consistently, which helps to reduce confusion and ensure that everyone is aware of what’s happening and all moving in the same direction.

  • Tip: Before you communicate make sure you segment out your audience groups. This allows you to tweak your messaging so audiences hear what they need to hear, when they need to hear it, and how it needs to be heard. Establish regular meetings and diverse communication channels for leaders and teams to stay connected and informed.

Increased motivation: When leaders and teams are aligned, they can help to increase motivation and buy-in for organizational change. This alignment helps to ensure that everyone understands the benefits of the change and is motivated to work towards the shared goals.

  • Tip: Involve employees in the change process, early and often, by seeking their input and feedback, and recognizing and rewarding their efforts. And make sure when you ask for input and feedback that you actually take action on their input and feedback. No ghosting!

Better decision-making: Leaders and teams that are aligned can make better decisions together. This alignment helps to ensure that everyone has a voice and can contribute to the decision-making process.

  • Tip: Encourage open and honest communication and collaboration to ensure that all perspectives are considered when making decisions. Not all stakeholders may have decision authority, however, they are all impacted and do all have a voice. And most want to be heard.

Reduced resistance: Resistance to change can be a significant barrier to organizational change. When leaders and teams are aligned, they can work together to reduce resistance by addressing concerns and providing support where and when needed. And whatever you do, don’t ignore those who may resist. That can snowball very quickly and impact the adoption of the change.

  • Tip: Provide training and support to help employees adapt to the change, and communicate clearly and consistently to address any concerns. Customize training where needed. Make sure training is relevant to job roles and day-to-day activities. 

Like I always say, if stakeholders don’t adopt the changes, then it’s wasted money, effort, and time. And your ROI tanks!

Leadership and team alignment are essential for the success of organizational change. By creating a shared vision and goals, communicating effectively, increasing motivation and engagement, making informed decisions, and reducing resistance, leaders and teams can work together to ensure that change is implemented smoothly and effectively.

About Scott Span, MSOD, CSM, ACC: is CEO at Tolero Solutions. As a people strategist, leadership coach, and change and transformation specialist, his work is focused on people. Through his consulting and training work he supports clients to survive and thrive through change and transition and create people-focused cultures and a great employee experience. Through his coaching work, he supports people willing to dig deeper to identify and overcome what’s holding them back, change behaviors, accelerate performance and achieve their goals.

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