Customer Experience and Employee ExperienceCustomer Experience (CX) Employee Experience (EX) To create a great customer experience you need a...
Change and Transition – No They Are Not The Same Thing.Change is never easy. Change and transition is a bumpy process. But why is change...
If You Don’t Care to Create a Positive Customer Experience Then Be Prepared to FailSnafu: a confused or chaotic state; a mess. That is the best way to describe...
POP QUIZ! Can you pass the great manager quiz?Are you a great manager? Ok, so everyone thinks they are a good manager....
Are You the Workplace Bully?The phrase workplace bully holds many meanings and comes in many forms. Just about every...
A Team is Only as Strong as its ManagerToo many workplace teams have their performance impacted by their manager. Often it’s style, but...
10 Myths About Change ManagementAs a People Strategist and somewhat non-traditional Organization Development (OD) and Change Management practitioner, I...
Marriott CEO says “hang with us;” many are asking “why?”Really, this is Marriott’s idea of providing an excellent customer experience? Fail! Mergers aren't easy,...
Intent vs Impact: How Do You Communicate for Success?How do you communicate? What can you do to improve the effectiveness of your communication?...
7 Ways to Make Your Project Fail…or Not.Don't Give a Damn About Your People For people to feel they can do their...
What Did You Say to Me?Workplace communication isn’t easy. Communication. Everything, from personal to business relationships hinges on it. Communicate...
Gallup Research Sums up Why 65% of Your Workforce is Looking for a New Job.Your people leave for various reasons. However, thanks to Gallup Research who collected data from...