Team PerformanceTeam Performance. WORK WITH US Our focus is people. We know good teams don’t just...
Strategy & GovernanceStrategy & Governance. WORK WITH US Developing the strategy and structure for success. clearly defined...
Change ManagementChange Management. WORK WITH US Minimize resistance and increase adoption. Organizational change is inevitable. that...
Customer Experience and Employee ExperienceCustomer Experience (CX) Employee Experience (EX) To create a great customer experience you need a...
The Iowa Democratic Caucus Massive Technology OopsOy! Democrats in Iowa just experienced a massive technology failure. And, let’s be real, a...
Change and Transition – No They Are Not The Same Thing.Change is never easy. Change and transition is a bumpy process. But why is change...
If You Don’t Care to Create a Positive Customer Experience Then Be Prepared to FailSnafu: a confused or chaotic state; a mess. That is the best way to describe...
How to be a Good Leader: Are You a Good Leader or a Bad Leader?How can you be a good leader? Are you a good leader or a bad...
What is Change Management & What is OD?As a People Strategist and Change Management and Organizational Development (OD) practitioner I often get...
POP QUIZ! Can you pass the great manager quiz?Are you a great manager? Ok, so everyone thinks they are a good manager....
How to Achieve #Success Through PeopleYour people are your biggest asset. People service your customers, solve problems, and help drive...