Is your organization consistently missing revenue goals? Here is how to reach your goals in a few, short months.

The COVID-19 pandemic is just one of the many challenges facing organizations today. As you create your “new normal”, success requires creating new behaviors and habits to consistently hit your revenue and performance goals.

We are living and working in unprecedented times. Most organizations I’ve spoken to recently say the Coronavirus is one of the biggest obstacles to achieving revenue and performance goals. Unfortunately, most organizations I’ve spoken to recently are focused on trying to get “back to normal,” not trying to create a “new normal” that supports these goals for the longterm. 

Folks – let me be direct yet authentic – you won’t really ever go back to the way things were. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s a simple reality. The coronavirus has changed our way of being and working. And we all know that, even if we’re not happy about it. 

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Even before the Coronavirus pandemic tossed our personal and work lives into chaos, areas for organizational improvement existed. The current crisis has brought these to light, and often with a sense of urgency. Areas for organizational improvement such as too many conflicting priorities, lack of shared ownership and accountability, and improved employee experience and customer experience. Projects and initiatives running under-resourced, overtime, or exceeding the budget. These are just a few areas many organizations can improve. 

So why would you want to go back to the way things were? 

There are solutions to help you resolve these issues and transition to a better future. A future where you reach your revenue and performance goals and improve your employee and customer experience, even while transitioning to your “new normal.”  COVID-19 has forced changes in many organizations. And that catalyst for improvement can be a good thing and drive longterm success. It just takes a process – and commitment – to transforming old behaviors, removing silos, and changing mindsets.

And before you think, oh is that all? We have enough to deal with now.  Yes, I know. It’s a hectic time. However, while creating your “new normal,” take the time to deal with the things that are preventing you from missing your revenue, profit, and performance goals in ways that guarantee long term improvements. You’ll set yourself up for a better future.

Here is how you do it: 

Create a Picture of Success for your “new normal”

In defining a “new normal,” you first need to define where the organization is headed and what that will look like. You need to develop a team Picture of Success inclusive of external factors impacting achieving your business goals. You need to identify and include the external drivers, challenges, and constraints for your business. Yes, you may not have much control over these things. However, they are non-negotiables that impact your future success and can’t be ignored. This shouldn’t be done by just one leader. The Picture of Success is developed and agreed to by the entire team. Rapid results can’t occur in a vacuum.  When the Picture of Success is complete, you have a detailed and actionable picture of your ideal future that was created by input from the entire team.

Adopt new habits and behaviors and align your team

Change is hard. Project execution isn’t always easy. Hitting your revenue and performance goals takes more than a Picture of Success. It takes targeted and aligned effort. You must define, agree on, align, and test team behaviors and habits in supporting and achieving your Picture of Success. This is called Collective Execution. Rapid results require having teams aligned, agreed on outcomes, and accountable for developing and supporting new habits and behaviors that support the execution of achieving goals. Course correct and adjust as needed as a team. This creates shared ownership for change. 

Create shared ownership and accountability

Ever hear the phrase ‘it takes a village?’ Well, when it comes to consistently reaching your revenue and performance goals, it takes a village – entire teams – to achieve this on a regular basis. Team alignment and collective execution increase accountability and the ability of the team to more rapidly and consistently achieve revenue and performance goals. Shared ownership is supported by Project Ownership Plans and Team Relationship Agreements, as needed. Team meetings focus on outcomes and execution and not spin and churn. Shared ownership provides all team members a voice and supports them in holding each other accountable. And shared ownership reduces silos, increases trust and communication, and supports rapid results. 

Interested in learning more about how to rapidly achieve your performance and revenue goals? Need to develop a clear road map from Point A to Point B? Contact us to learn more

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Don’t waste your time on style inventories and personality assessments. Focus on outcomes and execution. Our solutions support removing old mindsets and silos to quickly create high performance teams and cultures. High performance teams and cultures more rapidly and consistently hit revenue and performance goals. Contact us to learn more.  Or you can read about us here, here, and here

About Scott Span, MSOD, CSM: is CEO at Tolero Solutions. His focus is – people.  He is a Leadership Coach & People Strategist, Communications and Change Management. He supports leaders, teams, and individuals to survive and thrive through personal and professional change and transition. He supports organizations to engage and retain talent and wow customers, achieving success through people, creating places where people enjoy working and customers enjoy doing business.

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