Customer Experience and Employee ExperienceCustomer Experience (CX) Employee Experience (EX) To create a great customer experience you need a...
If You Don’t Care to Create a Positive Customer Experience Then Be Prepared to FailSnafu: a confused or chaotic state; a mess. That is the best way to describe...
When Customers are the Product – Leadership Lessons from Facebook’s Data Privacy Scandal. #DeleteFacebookSo last week Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress about why and how Facebook failed to...
When it Comes to a Great Customer Experience Bigger is not Always BetterGoogle the phrase: “Customer service is dead.” You’ll discover 30 million search results. I can...
Radisson and Their Support of Breast Cancer Survivors – A Great Customer ExperienceA great customer experience tells you a lot about a business – their culture, leadership,...
BMW & The BS Customer ExperienceYou've likely had an excellent customer experience. You've also likely had a few bad customer...
The Secret to Acquiring More CustomersThe secret to acquiring more customers starts with not pissing off current customers, and that...
’tis the season…for bad customer serviceIn case you missed the billions of sales special offers being advertising on tv, via email,...
[Infographic] The Do’s & Don’ts of Customer ServiceDid you know… 82% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company because of bad...
3 Tips for Great Customer ServiceDid you know... 82% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company because of...
[Download] 3 Tips for Great Customer ServiceA staggering 82% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company because of bad...
Flash survey: Would you pay more to get great customer experience?We have all experienced some good and bad customer service experiences. Some by the same...