Intent vs Impact: How Do You Communicate for Success?How do you communicate? What can you do to improve the effectiveness of your communication?...
7 Ways to Make Your Project Fail…or Not.Don't Give a Damn About Your People For people to feel they can do their...
What Did You Say to Me?Workplace communication isn’t easy. Communication. Everything, from personal to business relationships hinges on it. Communicate...
Gallup Research Sums up Why 65% of Your Workforce is Looking for a New Job.Your people leave for various reasons. However, thanks to Gallup Research who collected data from...
3 Tips: How to Manage When Your Buttons Get PushedWe all have hot buttons and triggers! The little things (or sometimes big things) that just...
When Customers are the Product – Leadership Lessons from Facebook’s Data Privacy Scandal. #DeleteFacebookSo last week Mark Zuckerberg testified before Congress about why and how Facebook failed to...
10 Things YOU Do That Sabotage Successful ChangeDo you know what one of the biggest obstacles is to managing and implementing successful...
BMW & The BS Customer ExperienceYou've likely had an excellent customer experience. You've also likely had a few bad customer...
Why Democrats Can’t Win ElectionsGiven the recent 0-5 record for the Democrats in specials elections, this article deserves and...
’tis the season…for bad customer serviceIn case you missed the billions of sales special offers being advertising on tv, via email,...
It’s time for President Elect Trump to put his money where his mouth is…Dear President-elect Trump, Stop it! I mean seriously…stop it. You claim you want to be...
Does being a CEO mean you can be the Commander in Chief?Well, President Donald Trump is finding out! Brace for impact America - you're in for...