Are You a #Workplace #Superhero?When someone thinks of a superhero – they typically think of capes and super human...
Is Your #Leadership Communication Style Frustrating Employees?In the sage words of Gary Coleman - what you talking about Willis? Communication in...
5 Truths About LeadershipAs a People Strategist and Change Management practitioner, I often find myself having conversations about...
3 Ways to Prevent Poor Customer ServiceWhat's the true cost of poor customer service and a bad customer experience? If you’re...
10 Truths About Change ManagementAs a people strategist and organizational development (OD) and change management practitioner, I often find...
5 Lessons to Help Your Business #LiveLongAndProsper…boldly go where no one has gone before. When Leonard Nimoy passed away most remembered...
3 Reasons Why Businesses #Fail – See #TargetCanadaIn case you didn’t hear - Target recently announced they’ll be ceasing operations in Canada....
5 Ways to Keep Your Employees HappyData suggests that 70% of employees are disengaged. To put this in perspective - 70%...
Dear Employer: 3 Reasons it’s You, Not Me!Your employees are happy, right? They couldn’t possibly be looking for a new job. Think...
5 of the Most Innovative Leaders of 2014Being a great leader takes many skills; innovation being one of them. To be an...
Setting the Stage for Success – How Responsive is Your Organization?What Darwin said about species - also applies to business. In today’s overly competitive and...
Are You The Miscommunicating Manager?Communication. It’s the key to any successful relationship – whether personal or professional. Our communication...